3 Reason That Every Hacker Should Know And Use Linux

3 Reason That Every Hacker Should Know And Use Linux

🔸Linux Is Open Source
Unlike Windows, Linux is open source. What that means for
us is that the source code of the operating system is
available to us. As such, we can change and manipulate it
as we please. If you are trying to make a system operate in
ways it was not intended, being able to manipulate the
source code is essential.

Think of it this way. Could you imagine Microsoft giving us
a plug-in/MMC or whatever to manipulate or change the
kernel of Windows for hacking? Of course NOT!

🔸Linux Is Transparent
To hack effectively, you must know and understand your
operating system and to a large extent, the operating
system you are attacking. Linux is totally transparent,
meaning we can see and manipulate all its working parts.
Not so with Windows. Microsoft tries hard to make it as
difficult or impossible to know the inner workings of their
operating systems. As a result, when working with
Windows you are working with "shadows" of what you think
is going on under the hood, whereas in Linux you have a
"spotlight" shining directly at at each and every component
of the operating system. It goes without saying, I think, that
this makes working with Linux more efficient and effective.

🔸Linux Offers Granular Control
Linux is granular. That means that we have almost infinite
amount of control over the system. In Windows, you only
can control what Microsoft allows you to control. In Linux,
everything can be controlled by the terminal in the most
miniscule to the most macro level. In addition, Linux makes
scripting in any of the scripting languages simple and

Credit to @the.hacking.infosec.hub