Different Types Of Hackers

Types Of Hackers


  Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer.The hackers are classified in 7 .

 White Hat Hackers


        The white hat hacker is also called as ethical hacker . He is someone in the area of information technology,who opposes the abuse of networks and computer systems. They hack but not with the intention to deceive. They  perform a series of tests that check the efficiancy of their security systems. These are the people who stand between Black Hat and companies

Black Hat Hackers

        A black hat hacker is the opposite of the white hat hacker or ethical hacker . These hackers violate the computer systems or a network with intentions for personal and monetary gains. They are the illegal communities and are sterotypes of computer criminals. This hackers get in to a system and they modify the program in a way the user cannot use it. 

Grey Hat Hackers


      The colour grey is mix of both black and white. Similarly the grey hat hackers are an interesting mix of both white hat and black hat. Demonstrating the security flaws of a network to their administrators is their main intention.

Blue Hat Hackers

        The blue hat hackers are freelancers. The computer security firms hire them for their expertise. They are called by the security companies to check their vulnerabilities in their systems .

Elite Hackers

         The elite hackers are the best of the hacking community. They write programs and are usually the 1st to break into an system. The elite hackers avoid destroying the data from the computer system that they have exploited. Each hacking communities are their own elite hackers.

Script Kiddie


          Skiddies are basically amateurs who manage to hack into the system and access them by using the programs given out by elite hackers. They use programs,They have no knowledge on the program they use.


          They are the beginners in the hacking world. Newbies have no knowledge or any prior experience with them.They hang around with others in the hacking community with the motto of learning the tips and tools of hacking